Eid-ul Fitr on Saturday

KARACHI: Chairman Central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee Mufti Munibur Rehman has announced that Shawwal moon has not been sighted and Eid-ul Fitr will be celebrated on Saturday.

He made the announcement while addressing the media after the Central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee meeting for the sighting of Shawwal moon.

The meeting was held at the Pakistan Meteorological Department Building in Karachi. Zonal and District Ruet-e-Hilal Committees also held meetings in their respective areas.

Saudi Arabia to celebrate Eid on Friday

Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Lebanon are set to celebarte Eid-ul Fitr on Friday. The Supreme Court in Saudi Arabia ruled that since the Shawwal moon was not sighted on Wednesday, Eid would fall on Friday.

Most of the Gulf countries follow the lead of Saudi Arabia to set the day of the Eid feast.

Egypt’s Darul-Ifta, the body that issues Islamic edicts, also announced Thursday to be the end of Ramazan for the country.

Following suit, Lebanon’s Dar al-Fatwa, the country’s highest Sunni authority, likewise said that Eid-ul Fitr would be celebrated in Lebanon on Friday.

UN to slap fresh sanctions on Iran

UNITED NATIONS: For the fourth time in as many years, the UN Security Council readied fresh sanctions against Iran on Wednesday for refusing to come clean on its nuclear program, but Tehran remains defiant.

Adoption of a US-drafted sanctions resolution, co-sponsored by Britain and France with the backing of Russia and China, was a foregone conclusion despite efforts by Brazil and Turkey to head off the measures and promote a nuclear fuel swap deal they reached with Tehran last month.

Western powers say they were confident that they have more than the nine votes needed to adopt the text at a meeting scheduled to begin at 10:00 am (1400 GMT). Only Brazil, Turkey and Lebanon Read more of this post