The truth about drone attack fatalities

Three US researchers, Matthew Fricker, Avery Plaw, and Brian Glyn Williams have written a paper on US drone attacks in Fata. It contradicts the widely held view in the media and academia that the attacks lead to large-scale civilian casualties. Their paper titled ‘New Light on the Accuracy of the CIA’s Predator Drone Campaign in Pakistan’ will be published in the Sentinel, the magazine of the US Military Academy’s Combating Terrorism Centre. Read more of this post

UN official seeks end of CIA drone strikes

WASHINGTON: A senior official of the United Nations said the life and death power of drones should be entrusted to regular armed forces, not intelligence agencies, the New York Times reported on Thursday.

Philip Alston is expected to call on the United States next week to stop CIA drone strikes against people suspected of belonging to al Qaeda. Read more of this post