India claims, Pakistan denies that drill at Wagah toned down

While the Indian media said that the daily display of choreographed aggression by Pakistani and Indian soldiers at the Wagah border has been toned down because of knee injuries to the participants, the Pakistan Rangers denies the report.

The Hindustan Times quoted a senior Indian Border Security Force officer, Himmat Singh, as saying “We had proposed a lowering of the aggression in the gestures during the daily parade, and subsequently took a unilateral decision to implement that.

“Now, the Pakistan Rangers have also agreed to the proposal, and toned down their drill.”

However, spokesperson for Pakistan Rangers, Punjab chapter, DSP Nadeem Raza said that while it was agreed that Pakistani soldiers would refrain from aggressive staring and fist gesture, they would continue with the familiar boot stomping and “professionalism”.

The exaggerated boot-stomping that was a major feature of the ceremony had, Singh said, resulted in guards on both sides suffering “mild-to-severe” damage to joints, particularly the knees. Read more of this post