‘This is a friendship that will never break, no matter what happens’

LONDON: “This is a friendship that will never break, no matter what happens,” said President Asif Ali Zardari outside the prime minister’s weekend retreat of Chequers, northwest of London.

The leaders of Britain and Pakistan moved Friday to shelve a row over a British attack on Islamabad’s security record, pledging to step up their cooperation in the fight against terrorism.

President Asif Ali Zardari had vowed to confront British Prime Minister David Cameron over recent claims suggesting that elements in Pakistan back the “export of terror,” which triggered the diplomatic spat.

But both leaders put on a show of unity after their talks near London, saying the bond between Pakistan and Britain was unbreakable, while Cameron accepted an invitation to visit Islamabad soon.

“This is a friendship that will never break, no matter what happens,” Zardari said outside the prime minister’s weekend retreat of Chequers, northwest of London.

“Storms will come and storms will go, and Pakistan and Britain will stand together and face all the difficulties with dignity,” he added.

Cameron said he wanted to enhance London’s partnership with Islamabad “in the absolutely vital area of combating terrorism”.

And he said the two men had discussed “what we see as an unbreakable relationship between Britain and Pakistan based on our mutual interests”.

“We want to work together to combat terrorism.”

“Whether it’s keeping troops safe in Afghanistan or to keep people safe on the streets of Britain, that is a real priority for my government,” he said.

In a joint statement, Cameron and Zardari said London and Islamabad would step up their anti-terror co-operation, with the two countries’ foreign ministers to meet in October.

“Among the common challenges facing the UK and Pakistan is the fight against terrorism and violent extremism,” they said.

“Both leaders agreed that terrorism and extremism are global issues and needed to be combated by intensifying cooperation at the global and regional levels.”

Zardari came under enormous pressure to cancel his trip over the controversy, but his office insisted that the visit gave Pakistan a chance to make its case.

After meeting Cameron, Zardari was to attend a Pakistan Peoples Party rally with his son Bilawal on Saturday in Birmingham, central England.

One Response to ‘This is a friendship that will never break, no matter what happens’

  1. neel123 says:

    Friendship …… ?

    Friendship of unequal ……. friendship between the master and the side-kick ………. friendship between the donor and the beggar …………… ?!

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